When I turned the calendar to May, it really made me think about the past year and the amazing path I've been on. One year ago, my 30th birthday was approaching, and I was saying goodbye to my twenties, doing a dreadful daily commute to get to a job I absolutely loved, and was full of fear and excitement as I was 6 weeks away from meeting my favorite girl in the world. I knew things were going to change, but not this much! I've got the new job/two kids/living the life I love thing down.
So it's May. I'm about to turn 31, and am still working on a lot. Right now my focus is on my inability to commit. Wow. Hmmm...Rephrase. My focus is on my inability to stick with things/projects that I've started. For example, the 30 Day Shred. I LOVE this Jillian Michaels DVD. I WANT to lose this baby weight - and then some. I LOVE the feeling of accomplishment after the workout is over. I even like being sore, as it makes me know that something's working in there. Unfortunately, I'm so GOOD at making every excuse in the book for why I shouldn't spend the time to do the workout. Or any workout, for that matter. Bit as it is, I'm doing so well. I'm only 4 pounds from my pre-L weight, and only 6 pounds from my pre-H weight. I'll get there. Eventually.
Since I'm aware of this tendency I have to quit, I decided to start a new project. I saw a photo-a-day pin on Pinterest the other day, and decided to give it a shot. I thought it would give me an outlet. Something for me that isn't obsessing over myself, worrying about work, or focusing on my kids. I'm finding that it's not turning out that way. In fact, just the last 7 pictures are making me realize that these are exactly the things that my photos are focusing on. Because they're what really matter to me.
So here are the first 7 days.
5.1 Peace - I can't think of anything more peaceful than a beautiful sleeping baby
5.2 Skyline - So it's not "the" skyline, but it's looking out my back door |
5.3 Something I wore today - In an effort to feel better and be better...
5.4 Fun - A gorgeous evening at the park |
5.5 Bird - There's nothing angry about this bird |
5.6 Me - A little time out for me
5.7 Someone That Inspires You - I can't think of a more inspirational scene. Family dinner. L's first spaghetti and meatballs. |
Only 24 to go. Commitment to be determined.
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